
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

{Real Parties}::Firefighters save the kittens party::

Birthdays are always a special occasion
and when I am asked to make a birthday cake for a childrens party
or for a 50th birthday, i always feel honoured to be part of that special day even if I don't know
the birthday boy or girl...

So when I was asked to make 2 birthday cakes for a brother and sister who
celebrated their birthdays close together I was deligthed!
I also loved the theme of the party:
{Firefighers save the kittens party}
I think it is very original and when you look at the pictures you can just see all
the detail that went in to the planning of this party!

It was held at our local fire department this past saturday
and it looks like the kids had tons of fun!

The pictures of the tables and the kiddies were sent over by the Mom,
she put in a lot of love and time into planning the party and I am sure she
enjoyed the looks on the little ones faces just as much as they enjoyed the party!


If you scroll down to the bottom of my blog you will see a new feature where
you can share your own parties and ideas with everyone!
Please add you own real parties or inspiration boards
I would love to see them as I am sure all of you would!
I took the liberty to share my sweet 16 party...


And don't forget to download your May Calendar, just click the link
to the right of my blog!

::{Have a very pleasant evening}::

Monday, April 26, 2010

May 2010 Calendar - Beach inspired

May calendar I created using some pictures
I took of sea stars(fake ones) lying around the house...
I thought it would make for a nice nautical themed calendar!
If you want to download it,

Thanx for dropping by!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Turquoise and Cherise Pink buffet table!

I have been seriously busy this past week!
I had 2 birthday cakes(will be posting soon)
::And 2 dessert tables for saturday:: 
Take a look at the frist one:
 (i was lucky enough to still take pictures
when it was light outside.)


The other table was for my step sisters ::{21st birthday}::
 I still have to upload the pictures I took, but i didn't take as many, and the lighting was terrible
so i wasn't able to do it justice with my cellphones camera!
I will be posting these sometime this week.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

2 parties and 2 cakes

I am typing this filled with a mixture of
elation and fear!
Fear that i won't get everything done that i want to(hopefully with some time management i will)
and elation because this is what i love to do!

Let me explain:
The weekend was pretty full and on Sunday driving home from our wedding weekend,
we stopped over at my Uncles house, because it was his birthday, to wish him happy birthday!
We were late for the party, actually we missed it altogether, but we still dropped in to wish him well!

My cousin, who is turning 16 this year, asked if i could do a dessert tablescape for her friends birthday this saturday. I said sure!
Knowing that i am also doing one for my step sisters 21st birthday this saturday!
And today a lady confirmed an order for two birthday cakes for friday!
Oh, and i came home ill from the wedding, with a cold, so i spent most of yesterday in bed and only got up
this morning!

So now i have exactly 3 days to plan, bake and decorate for both the parties(the 21st i am attending).
And to do the 2 birthday cakes, one is a fire truck the other is a cat cake!

Also, i am helping a friend tomorrow with her twin grandsons birthday cakes!

So i have already started the planning for my cousins party
the theme is Denim & Diamonds.
And the colours has to be pink and turquoise
here is my idea for the party:

I am also taking some inspiration from the dessert buffet Amy Atlas did here:

Because there is loads of turquoise and pink!

For my step sisters 21st, she chose
a princess theme...
I am still trying to decide exactly what i am doing for that:
This is all i have for now:

as i am saying i hope i get everything done!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Cake and ::{The Wedding}::

This weekend, or actually part of last week, i was
stressed out!
Because i had to make a 3 tiered Chocolate mousse wedding
cake for our friends wedding!
The wedding was held 300 km away from where we live, so guess what?
Everything had to be done there...
So i had to pack up my kitchen and decorating utensils and decorate the cake at my
In laws house, which is 30 km from where the wedding was held...

I was busy the whole of friday and was able to deliver the cake friday evening on the farm.
It was placed in the cold store, seeing as it was filled with mousse.
But not only did i do the cake, i also made 150 oreo cake balls for the chocolate table they had
for dessert!

Take a look at some of the wedding details:
::{the wedding was brown and turquoise}::

The happy couple!
::{They got married on the family (tomatoe)farm}::

The Cake
::{3 tiered chocolate mousse cake}::

The rest of the dessert table
::{Only the cake balls were made by me}::
 I did not do the dessert table, only made oreo cake balls that you can see back there in the corner to the left...

The wedding was really beautiful.
I don't know why, but for some reason i dont have any pictures of the
tables where we sat after the ceremony...

Thanx for the visit!
::{Drop by again soon!}::

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fairy garden party from scissors paper cake

Another quick post!
Just wanted to share some ♥!
I am busy preparing the wedding cake for this weekend and going through some pretty things at
the same time!

When i found some dreamy parties over on
Take a look!
It's their Fairy Garden Party!

{Are you in ♥ yet?}
I am long gone!

Free printable butterfly garland or banner

Just a quick post today!
Make your own butterfly garland for a girls room or even a banner for a birthday party!
Just click on the link to download the pdf
then print as much as you need!
Cut out and put some string or ribbon through and voila!
Pretty butterfly room or party bannner!

I made mine to go vertical but you can string yours horisontal.
I used a hobby knife to cut slits big enough for the ribbon to go through.
You can also add beads or other pretty stuff to make it more interesting!

I hope you enjoy yours!
And if you do use them, please send me some pictures of how you used yours!
I would love to feature it on my blog!
Thank You!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Delia's Little Mermaid Party

My little niece turned 4 two weeks ago!
And for weeks before the party, every time i saw her she told me that she was
having a little mermaid party!

So her Mom and I sat down and started planning!
First we knew there had to be a little mermaid cake and we
looked at thousands of little mermaid cakes for ideas!

After that i put my cake decorating skills to work and was very pleased with the result!

The cake consisted of two tiers, top tier a yummy carrot cake, bottom tier a hazelnut mocha brownie cake!

There were also cupcakes!
The inspiration for the cucpakes came from

Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream ganache!
All the toppers were edible, also the character ones, i used edible paper on top of fondant.

As for all the other things, it took me a week to find most of them.
The party boxes, hats, cups and plates were all bought and modified a bit by me!
Using little mermaid stickers...

The banner and cupcake collars were all made by me to match the party decor!

I can tell you this, allthough it was a lot of work, it was soooooo much fun!
I get super excited about parties and cakes and all things pretty!
I am sure there is something wrong with me!

Take a look at all the prettiness of this party!
The photos are courtesy of Sally Seymore photography!
The photographer of the day!
There were so many details!

Can you spot the sea weed and bubbles(chinese lanterns) hanging from the ceiling?

The friends! What is a party without some happy friends to share it with?

I hope you enjoyed the pictures with me!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Little Mermaid Birthday Party!

On the 28th of March this year
Delia(my niece) turned 4!

She wanted a
Little Mermaid Party!

And tomorrow i will be blogging about that!
Here is a sneak peak of the cake!

Come back for more tomorrow!

Cupcake Banner and Cupcake Thank You's

This is what my baking corner looks like...

Complete with Cupcake banner!
reminding me that this is where the baking happens...

Oh and there is the gorgeous present i got for Christmas from my Dad...
Thank You Dad!!

Hoooo purdy!

and now, this set was designed for a customer
only with her initials...
but i thought they could work just as well
with a Thank You...
and they were so pretty when i printed them out, that
i just had to share them with you!
Can you spot the cupcake?
I used for both my banner and the set...

Gorgeous Gingham!


All wrapped up!

thanks for the visit!
Lots of Love

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mothers Day 2010 free printables

My Philosophy:
Life is short, so celebrate every possible moment you get!
Sadly my Mom passed away in 2003 due to cancer, so since then i kind of feel sad on Mothers day
and not in the mood for celebrating.

But not this year!
I have created a free printable set just for Mothers day!

In the starting this week i am going to be giving it away in parts...
Part1(this week) will be the place cards and napkin rings
and Part 2(next week) the party circles, cards and flags
Also,  i am going to be adding printable cupcake collars for the 2nd part so be on the lookout for those!

All you have to do to recieve your free copy of the Place Cards and Napkin rings is to leave a comment
telling me what you love most about your mom!
Dont forget to leave an email adress so i can mail you a copy of part 1.

Okay... so on to the printables, here they are...
Dark pink and yellow!
This is part 1

and when you recieved everything this is what you will have

I did a little photo shoot with mine and i think it turned out pretty!

Dont forget to tell me what you love most about your Mom...
What i loved most is that she was always there for me no matter what happened!

Lots of Love

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Flapjacks YUM YUM!

Yes! Happy Easter!
This is what we had for breakfast this morning!

And it was delicious!

here goes the recipe:

Have a happy day!

Lots of love

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Miniature dessert buffet

Sooooo sorry for being a bit absent that past few weeks...
I have been very busy!

But stil had my fare share of baking and cake decorating!
Last weekend I bake a bunch of cakes and cupcakes for my nieces
4th birthday party.
I cant wait to share the beautiful photos with you!
The theme was little mermaid.

On friday it was my friends birthday and i decided a miniature
dessert buffet was in order.
I saw this cake on cakecentral that i wanted to try for a while now, and i know she loves

Here is the cake(while it was still light outside)

and here is the mini dessert buffet!
complete with easter eggs...

Here is the serviettes that went with the rest...

And here is my friend cutting her cake!
She was very happy and didn't expect a birthday cake at all...

I will be back soon...

Have a lovely day
Lots of love