
Monday, March 2, 2009

A new spin on the “cupcake” – the 5 min MUG-cake

I recieved this email a year or so ago, from my Sister-in-law, i tried it almost immediately after reading it. And honest to goodness it worked, now every time i’m in the mood for chocolate cake i just whip this together pop in the microwave for 3 minutes and all done, its really delish with or without frosting. Today on the other hand i thought i would try and do this little “cake-in-a-mug” some justice and frost it, also practicing this technique i stumbled upon while reading lots and lots of baking blogs, the Basket weave technique. Only i think it is actually easier doing the basketweave when the cake is a bit bigger but hey practice makes perfect and this was my first basket-weave-frosted-cake-in-a-mug. Try saying that five times fast.

If you also want a quick fix chocolate cake, here's what to do:

Get a table spoon and a mug

and add

4 Tablespoons cake flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cocoa
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons milk
3 Table
spoons oil
2ml vanilla essence (optional)

mix the ingredients well in the mug

Pop it in the microwave for 3 minutes on high (1000watt)

take it out - carefull its hot!

take a knife and loosen the sides, now just pop it out on a plate
You can have it just like this or pour some chocolate ganache over it!

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