
Friday, October 9, 2009

Cupcake Topper file winners and that beary special other give away!

Congratulations to the Cupcake topper file give away winners!

This was the Numbers generated by the Random generator!

I will be mailing you tomorrow to find out which topper file you would like!
And Then i want to introduce you to my little friend!
Well, he is not going to be my friend for long!
Because, i am sending him to the winner of the Beary special give away!
I know i said that i will choose it from the 4 winners, but i though aaah why not
just give everyone a chance!
So here is the Number generated by

Congratulations NINA!!!
I will get in touch this weekend to get your posting details and mail it to you in this week!
Hope you enjoy him!!

Have a pleasant weekend!
Lots of Love

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