
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Relaxed and Pretty Bridal Shower

What a wonderful day!

We had the Bridal Shower Bright and Early this morning!
And look at the view that awaited us!
One of the Bride's friends was kind enough to lend
her parents house for the shower!
I must say this was one of the best Bridal Showers i have ever
been at!
Not only because of the view and the yummy treats, but
also the ladies were so kind and friendly!
I only knew the Bride to be and her Mom, but
felt very welcome after a few minutes after arriving there!

This photo was taken 09:25am CAT
Wish i could wake up to a view like this every morning!
I unfortunately didn't get more pictures of the house, but
hey, we were there for the Shower...

Now on to the fairy princess herself, the Bride to be!
She was completely surprised!
This was what she was dressed up as:
A Fairy Princess!
I didn't get any good close up photos so
i will make do with this one!

Next the Pretty Table
It was very relaxed and colourful!

Do you see anything that strikes your fancy?
The cupcakes! YES!

Those are the cupcakes i made for the Shower!
I recieved a lot of compliments!
Gosh, that got me blushing!

Here are some more pictures of
the Cupcakes!

I hope you also feel excited now!

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

Lots of love

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