
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Colourful Christmas

I have finally found my Christmas Inspiration for this year!
Look at the Colourful Inspiration board i put together!
I can't wait to go and do the shopping for this one...

I decided to go with the Colourful Theme for Christmas, because, well,
Christmas is all about Feeling Festive, eating lots of Candy and everything in between!

I will be doing the dessert table!
I am so excited, i just can't wait!

I am off to baking for this week!
I have a Mermaid and Winnie the pooh Cake for this week!
Will share this as soon as possible!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ben 10 Watch - Again

This is the 4th
Ben 10 Watch Cake I have made!

Check out my first one here

 Technically I am busy baking the 4th one...
The order is for Saturday for a 5 year old boy! Who no doubt loves Ben10!
Aren't Kids just a JOY!

Speaking of
our family usually
 Celebrate  with a Christmas
dinner a few weeks or so before Christmas because we aren't always together on Christmas Day.

This year,
inspired by all the beautiful dessert buffets and using my new found Baking
skill, I was given the go ahead by my Step Mother to do a Christmas dessert

I am not sure
about the colour scheme, will have to put my brain to work real soon about that!

Any Ideas?

Do I stick to the
traditional RED and GREEN Christmas, or do I experiment with some other

Have any

Christmas Dessert buffet's ideas you would like to share?
Keep in mind here
in South Africa it is Summer time when it is Christmas time... so no snow for

I would love to
hear your thoughts on this, if you don't mind sharing!

Oh, and another
thing...would you like a Ben 10 Watch Cake tutorial, seeing as I am busy baking
one and decorating tomorrow...

Let me know if
you would like a step by step tutorial.

Lots of love

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Relaxed and Pretty Bridal Shower

What a wonderful day!

We had the Bridal Shower Bright and Early this morning!
And look at the view that awaited us!
One of the Bride's friends was kind enough to lend
her parents house for the shower!
I must say this was one of the best Bridal Showers i have ever
been at!
Not only because of the view and the yummy treats, but
also the ladies were so kind and friendly!
I only knew the Bride to be and her Mom, but
felt very welcome after a few minutes after arriving there!

This photo was taken 09:25am CAT
Wish i could wake up to a view like this every morning!
I unfortunately didn't get more pictures of the house, but
hey, we were there for the Shower...

Now on to the fairy princess herself, the Bride to be!
She was completely surprised!
This was what she was dressed up as:
A Fairy Princess!
I didn't get any good close up photos so
i will make do with this one!

Next the Pretty Table
It was very relaxed and colourful!

Do you see anything that strikes your fancy?
The cupcakes! YES!

Those are the cupcakes i made for the Shower!
I recieved a lot of compliments!
Gosh, that got me blushing!

Here are some more pictures of
the Cupcakes!

I hope you also feel excited now!

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

Lots of love

Friday, November 13, 2009

I was Featured!

My Pretty First Birthday was featured on Creative Party Place! I am so excited!

Go over there and check it out!

And guess what i am doing right now!!!???
Baking Cucpakes for tomorrows Bridal Shower!
Cant wait to start decorating!
Have a Fabulous Weekend!!
Lots of Love

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Invites and Thank You's

Hello Again!

I am making some cupcakes this week for a Bridal shower this weekend!
All i can say, is it is going to be pretty!
Will post them as soon as i am done!

I also designed the Thank You cards for the guests.
It is in my home language(Afrikaans), so basically it says Thank You for Attending!
You can probably guess the theme is going to be Fairies...

And then, i was playing around with a birthday invite...Just for fun!
Here is a pastel coloured one!
I think it will look very cute for a birthday!
Don't You think so too?

Let me know if you can still remember your 2nd birthday?
I have pictures of mine, but i definetly cannot remember it!

Have a wonderful day
Lots of Love

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hello Kitty November Calendar

I know i have created a November Calendar already!

But this one is inspired by the Hello Kitty Party i did! So Click the picture to download the November Hello Kitty Calendar!
Have a lovely evening!

Lots Of Love


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hey Mickey Your so fine! :D

Hey Everybody! It's Mickey

I hope you were able to see that --- LOL

This was a very fun cake to make...and so easy:

Step 1: Bake 2 round cakes

Step 2: Cut out 2 circles from the one cake and use for ears...

Step 3: Decorate other round cake to look like mickey's face and place the other two
circles to finish the face... easy as 1,2...3

I think i love Mickey Mouse all over again! He is such a fun character!
Have a Fabulous evening!
Lots of Love

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hello Kitty Cake and Cupcakes


I hope you had
an awesome weekend!

I have been
soooo busy, with all the party preparations and life in general

Just came
quickly to share the some of the Hello Kitty Party

with you!

I only have
pictures of the cake and cupcakes, will get some more

pics of the
party later on...

Yes! It was a 3D
Hello Kitty Cake, standing about 30cm tall!

The Body was cake, the Head rice krispie treats en the rest of the accents fondant.

Have a great

Lots of Love



Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello kitty Party Prep + November Calendar and I love cucpakes Button

Hi There!

I am busy
with the preparations for the Hello Kitty

I Will be
decorating the
later, a
nd show
you when everything is done!

But for
now, here is another sneak Peek!

Also ...

I have
created a few buttons for you to decorate you blog with!

And The
November Calendar is also available for download, as well
as in
Button form.

Why? Do
you ask...Because it is pretty!

For the
Buttons, just look to the right of my blog for the codes, then just copy and
paste them in
your blogs!

For the
November Calendar Download

Click The

Have one
pleasant Weekend!

Lots of



Monday, October 12, 2009

Some pretty Boards of my Cakes/cupcakes/cookies

Since i haven't been baking, for the past week, my brain wants to be
in any way!

So, i decided to
the photos of my cakes, cupcakes and cookies!

I made a few inspiration boards, to illustrate them!

Enjoy the prettiness!

Lots of love



Katie And Suri also loves Cupcakes

Looks like the Celebs also loves cucpakes!
Katie and Suri was spotted on Saturday in Boston at the Cupcake shoppe, Sweet, buying ½ a dozen cupcakes and sampling All of them!
Suri looks like she enjoyed it most!

Lots Of love

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wedding Inspiration Boards!

Hello There!

So... seeing as i haven’t been busy baking this week, yes, the withdrawal symptoms are kicking in at the moment!

I have put together some more pretty
Wedding Inspirations!

Have a Pleasant Sunday!
Rest, Relax and enjoy your Family!

Lots of Love

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cupcake Topper file winners and that beary special other give away!

Congratulations to the Cupcake topper file give away winners!

This was the Numbers generated by the Random generator!

I will be mailing you tomorrow to find out which topper file you would like!
And Then i want to introduce you to my little friend!
Well, he is not going to be my friend for long!
Because, i am sending him to the winner of the Beary special give away!
I know i said that i will choose it from the 4 winners, but i though aaah why not
just give everyone a chance!
So here is the Number generated by

Congratulations NINA!!!
I will get in touch this weekend to get your posting details and mail it to you in this week!
Hope you enjoy him!!

Have a pleasant weekend!
Lots of Love

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cupcake Topper Give Away!

Cupcake topper Give Away!

Want to make your childrens birthday Cupcakes extra special, but dont have the time
to decorate them?

I have designed three sets of cupcake toppers to give away!

I am giving away 4 of the cupcake topper files!
The Winners will be drawn on Friday 9th of October 2009 by a random generator!
Winners are allowed to choose one of the four Themes.
Please leave an email where i can contact you!

They can be used for cupcake toppers, serviette rings, name tags and anything you can think of placing them on!
Just print them on some thick paper(card board), cut out and glue a plastick stick to the back(with double sided tape)!

Take a look at the toppers i have designed!
there's a beary special one! For a Teddy bears picnick themed party!

There is a Merry Christmas one! These can be used for cupcake toppers, or for gift wrap tags!

Little lady bug Themed party!

And i am also giving away the Duck toppers file i made for the 1st Birthday Party

Just leave a comment telling me what type of cupcake/s you like best!
Lots of Love

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Red Braai(BBQ)

Ons Saturday we had an informal braai(BBQ)
and as i never do anything when i have friends over for a braai, i decided to make this one a bit more special!
I decided that i am in the mood for red!
Wanted to bake some matching cupcakes, but opted for store bought ice cream instead!
Lazy Suzy, i know!

I am thinking that i am subconsiously yearning for christmas!:D

See you soon!
Lots of Love

Friday, October 2, 2009

Red And White Cupcakes - Idea for 21st

Last week while busy with all the party preparations, i made some sample cupcakes for a customer,

She unfortunately cancelled her order, something about cake will be too much after a three course meal! I say there is always room for cake! Oh well! Her loss i guess!

So seeing as i have these pretty pictures of the cupcakes i made and no order, i thought i would design an invite to match the cupcakes!

I am trying my hand at coordinating my cupcakes and cakes to invites and the rest of the party decor As you saw in the party pics! Everything was Duckys, from the invites to the serviette rings and more!

These were the cupcakes! I even made one bow glazed so as to look shiny!
And here is my custom made invite that will go well with the cupcakes!
I hope you enjoyed that! I sure did!

Lots Of love

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Good Morning Ya'll!

According to Wikipedia:
Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy!

So for today i made you a free printable card!
Just click on the picture to download!!

Have a Happy day!'
Lots of Love

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pretty 1st Birthday!!

I have been so busy these past two weeks!But first i want to show you the 1st Birthday party i helped with on Sunday!
I made the Cake, Cupcakes, Cookies, Party Boxes, Pom POms!
!!It was full of PRETTINESS and HAPPINESS!

And here is some pictures of the Birthday girl and her cousin.

I enjoyed it soooo much! Everything was adorable!!

Have a Darling day!